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The Brightstar Group is marking World Mental Health Day with a series of activities that support their Mental Health Action Plan and ongoing commitment to wellbeing and good mental health.


Throughout the week, team members across the group in both Brightstar and Sirius Property Finance are being encouraged to take part in a variety of activities that could help to improve their mental wellbeing, including talk sessions, aromatherapy, at-desk massages and ‘mentally healthy’ breakfasts.


During 2022, The Brightstar Group was presented with an employer award by the mental health charity, SANE, for its outstanding work in the field of mental health. It was also presented with an award at the Inaugural Mortgage Industry Marketing Awards for the Best Social Responsibility Campaign; this being the Group’s 2021 Mental Health Awareness Week Campaign.


Clare Jupp, Group Director of People Development, says: “At the Brightstar Group, we continue to take mental health and the wellbeing of our people very seriously and we are using World Mental Health Day to further promote awareness of mental health issues and wellbeing amongst the team.


“At Sirius there will be a strong focus on recognising, living with and supporting those who experience depression: ‘living with the black dog’. Indeed, ever since Winston Churchill popularised the phrase ‘Black Dog’ to describe the bouts of depression he experienced for much of his life, it has become the shorthand for the disease that millions of people endure. In residence at the London office will be one of SANE’S thirteen black dogs which act as symbols of tackling the stigma of mental health all over the country. Aptly, one of these dogs is named SIRIUS. Through our talking groups led by our mental health first aiders and those who have or who are experiencing depression and other mental health challenges, we hope to build awareness and offer support.


Across the Group we will also be offering a number of activities to help demonstrate the benefits that exercise, massage and aromatherapy, good diet and controlling stress can have on mental health. For some people, for example, exercise relieves symptoms of anxiety in ways that medication and talking therapies can’t. The Royal College of Psychiatrists says exercise affects certain chemicals in the brain, like dopamine and serotonin, which in turn impacts upon mood and thinking, and some GPs now even prescribe exercise in the same way as medicine. We are providing free at-desk massages from Sense Massage Therapy and a nutritious breakfast that includes a range of foods containing anti-oxidants, B vitamins, selenium, omega 3 and protein – all of which are known to be stress busters and good for the brain.”